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9 ways to experience true inner peace!

Inner peace is an experience for everyone. Finding inner peace in the modern world may feel like a significant challenge. It might seem that way because of the constant distractions. Everything in the modern world feels like a deterrent to experiencing peace of mind. But there are ways to discover and sustain inner peace. If you're working 8 hours, 5 days a week, you would like to find balance and be sane. Inner peace may be a choice, and your habits dictate how much peace you can experience in your day by day life. Balance isn't a goal, it is a process.

Let me share with you 9 secrets on how you can begin the process of truly experiencing inner peace.

Secret 1:

Let it go. Let it go is not just a catchy and mildly irritating Disney song. It is the deep truth of life. If we hold on to each and everything that hurts us, we can never move forward. Conversely if someone is unable to let things go, even the smallest things, there is a high possibility that the person could be experiencing an undiagnosed mental health crisis such as anxiety or depression. If that's the case, asking for help to figure things out is the best and bravest thing you could do for yourself. Amd people who say that strong people don't need therapy, and talking to a mental health professional is a sign of weakness, would you call yourself a 'weakling' if you contracted covid, malaria or jaundice?

Secret 2:

Focus on what is in your control rather than what isn't. This is quite difficult, but important. You need to accept that people are on their own journey and make their own choices. So we can only show them or request them. But the final call will always be theirs. Similarly, you cannot control life and situations around you. Yes, it does feel unfair, but in reality it isn't. Just focus on your own actions, words, thoughts, feelings, expressions, and intentions. Let the rest go, it's not your circus, not your monkeys.

Secret 3:

Spend time in nature. Humans were designed to run and hunt and fight, swim, climb and wander. Not be stuck on our bums, scrolling instagram and Netflix. Walk barefoot on dewy grass, feel the waves caress your skin. Listen to real birds sing and pet furry animals. Spending 20 minutes in the park everyday can boost your mental health!

Secret 4:

Eat mindfully. Yes, the quantity and quality of food definitely matters, but let's not be ignorant of the fact that everyone can't always buy the best food and eat the appropriate quantities each and everyday. Many people have an unhealthy relationship with food so it's important to understand this. What we need to focus on is just eating with mindfulness. The process is beautiful and empowering. You can learn more about it in my upcoming workshop digital course.

Secret 5:

Move your body! Exercising helps to release endorphins (natural painkillers) that dull painful sensations. Serotonin release enhances mood, blood flow to the brain increases, which means more oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Our motivation, focus, and learning increases when dopamine is released. Hippocampus grows overtime with exercise, that improves learning ability and memory. Exercise helps in growing brain cells, which leads to mood regulation and mental clarity. Exercising boosts the release of norepinephrine which improveS attention, perception and motivation. Exercising reduces the level of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

Secret 6:

Meditation can be intimidating but it is life changing. Start with 2 minutes of quiet time. And just FYI, you ARE supposed to be overwhelmed. You ARE supposed to be flooded with thoughts, memories, feelings, and hyper awareness of your body, and the sounds around you! So, actually you're doing it exactly how it's supposed to be done. The thing about meditation is that we need to learn to be comfortable in discomfort. Be still in raging pandemonium. And it all starts with 2 minutes. So the next time you feel uncomfortable during meditation just notice the discomfort from a distance without getting swamped in it. Breathe and allow yourself to just be. And just feel.

Secret 7:

Journaling is the secret of all the leaders in the world. ​​Journaling, traditionally, is just writing down your thoughts. It is similar to writing a diary and noting down the happenings in your life, but it can also mean to dump what is going on in your head and release stress. Writing down memories and experiences as in a diary, journaling helps in proper self-reflection and to get to know yourself better. It Keeps your thoughts organized. Diaries help us to organize our thoughts and make them discernable. It helps to improves your writing. Set & achieve your goals. Record ideas on-the-go. Relieve stress. Allow yourself to self-reflect. Boost your memory. Inspire creativity.

Secret 8:

Healthy boundaries are vital components for self-care. Without boundaries, we feel exhausted, taken advantage of, taken for granted, or our personal lives interfered upon. Whether it’s in work or in our individual connections, poor boundaries may lead to resentment, hurt, anger, and burnout.

Secret 9:

Inner child healing. Many individuals who experienced hurt or neglect in childhood/past have wounds that were fixed deep inside their bodies as they grew up. Indeed for people who haven’t experienced any childhood trauma, even some negative encounters or things said to them can have lasting negative impact on their minds. Our wounded child may represent several generations. Our mothers may have struggled throughout her life. Our fathers have experienced severe hardships. Perhaps our parents weren’t able to look after their inner wounded child themselves. So when we’re healing the wounded child in us, we’re healing all the wounded children of our past generations. This practice is not a practice for ourselves alone, but for all our ancestors and descendants. And just as we might be carrying the wounded child of our past generations, we are also carrying the wisdom and knowledge of our past generations in our genes and DNA, and we are capable of healing our inner child with mindfulness, awareness & compassion.

Hiding pain doesn’t heal it. Instead, it regularly surfaces in your adult life, appearing as difficulty in individual connections or trouble meeting your own needs. Working to heal your inner child can help you address a few of these issues. When needs for love, acknowledgment, praise, and other sorts of emotional support go neglected in childhood, the trauma that comes about can last well into your grown-up life. But it’s never as well late to heal. By learning to nurture your inner child, you'll learn to validate these needs, learn to specific feelings in sound ways, and increase self-compassion and self-love.

The strategies above may work for you but may not work for others in finding inner peace. If you’re trying to take control of your life and find your inner peace, go out of your way and give your best efforts. Talk to a therapist to have a professional guide you through the way. Because you deserve the best, and there is no need to do it all alone.

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